India is clearly under serious security risk as Islamic State (ISIS) has been spreading networking in various parts of the country, while Kerala province has already emerged as the hub of ISIS and Al Qaeda activities. Meanwhile, according to media reports, dental surgeon Deepti Marla alias Mariyam, who was arrested by National Investigation Agency (NIA) on January 5, 2022, on accusation of contacts with ISIS, revealed shocking details during her interrogation by NIA sleuths. It has come to light that Mariyam used to entice Hindu youths through honeytrap and convert them to Islam. NIA has unearthed that Madesh Perumal alias Abdul, who was arrested in Bengaluru five months ago by NIA, got converted to Islam because of Honeytrap laid by ISIS operative Deepti Marla.
Deepti Marla, a Hindu female hailing from Kodagu in India got converted to Islam as she fell in love with a person named Anas Abdul Rehman while studying in a college at Deralakatte area and married him.
Media reports said, during the primary interrogation it was known that Mariyam tried to convert more than 10 Hindu youths to Islam throughout the state of Karnataka. Mariyam used to work for Instagram page ‘Chronicle Foundation’ for ISIS. On the advice of her husband, she used to entice Hindu youths through honeytrap to convert to Islam and also join ISIS. She had opened more than 15 accounts in Hindu and Muslim names in social media and messaging aps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Telegram. Her sexually provocative chats used to attract youths and lured them fall for her.
According to counterterrorism experts, Maryam is not the only case. There are unknown number of females in various parts of India who are working for Islamic State as well as Al Qaeda and continuing recruitment of youths through various tactics.
Indian media is also giving shocking information about another female named Sonia Sabastian alias Ayisha, who had left India several years ago and joined Islamic State. She is currently in Afghanistan jail and her parents are fighting a legal battle to get her returned to India. There are dozens of Indian females who had left the country and joined Islamic State. The government of India had earlier announced that it would not allow the return of four Kerala women who had joined ISIS namely Sonia alias Ayisha, Merrin Jacob alias Mariyam, Nimisha alias Fathima, and another woman named Raffaela.
Indian authorities said, Sonia Sebastian, together with a group of 21 men and women from Kerala, departed India in 2016 to join the ISKP in Afghanistan. Another source said, the number of India nationals who had joined Islamic State although is still unknown, but it would be dozens, if not hundreds. It also said, a large number of ISIS fighters and brides had succeeded in returning to India, and a section of these males and females, particularly females have travelled to Western nations by marrying immigrants of the respective countries. Their motive behind marrying and travelling to Western countries is to continue recruitment of jihadists and also luring males and females towards jihad.
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